herbal DIY recipes
from my family to yours

spring violet lemonade
This lovely spring beverage is so easy to make and a wonderful project to involve kids in.
First, on a warm spring day find a lovely large patch or two of violets. Pick about a cup of the dark purple flowers, but make sure to leave plenty for the bees and other beneficial bugs!
After you take them home, lay them out on a towel for a while so that any stowaway bugs can find thier way out of the flowers.
Squeeze the juice of one lemon in to a quart jar, fill half way with water and mix in 2-3 heaping tablespoons of honey. When fully incorporated add your cup of violets, fill the jar the rest of the way with water leaving a half inch of room at the top of the jar.
Leave on the counter overnight and in the morning you will begin seeing a beautiful pink color gently seeping into the lemonade.
staghorn sumac tea
Staghorn Sumac is loaded with antioxidants and helps to promote balanced bloodsugar in the body.
This late summer beverage is so easy to make, it's sure to find it's way to your table.
After cutting a fresh sprig or two of Staghorn Sumac simply place into a large glass container, fill with water and leave outside in the sunshine for the afternoon. Allow the sun to gently infuse your water with the bright and tart notes of the sumac.
When you are ready strain and drink up!
clove & cinnamon switchel
If you are craving the tang of a switchel and it's the middle of winter, this unique recipie may still help you to warm up. Here's what you will need:
A Quart Jar
A half cup of Cranberries cut into pieces
A cinnamon stick smashed to bits
2-3 cloves
2" piece of fresh ginger about the width of your thumb grated
1 Star Anise
Half a cup of honey
2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
Combine all ingredients into your jar and cover with water. Leave on your counter top for a few days
(or several if you are like me and forget things occasionally).
When you are ready, strain and enjoy.
sumac & hibiscus cooler
If you have made a lot of Sumac tea from our previous recipie and are ready to jazz it up a bit try this!
Make a large mug of Hibiscus tea. After it begins to cool and you have strained it, add an oz of simple syrup.
Mix this concoction with a cup or more of the sumac tea, blend and serve over ice for a beautiful cooling drink.

Fire Cider
This fiery elixir will help to support your immune system during the winter season.
Fire Cider is made by creating a slurry in a blender of fresh onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, horseradish, and jalapeño with apple cider vinegar. After blending, put the slurry into a double boiler on low for at least 3 hours to let the flavors meld. You can add some extra ingredients like I do to help mellow the flavor. I use dried hibiscus and pomegranate juice, but you can get creative and try something new like cranberry or blueberries. After that, step for another hour or so (the color will change if you are using hibiscus) take it off the heat and run it through a fine mesh sieve. Once it cools a bit, add honey to taste. You can keep this refrigerated for at least 6 months. Mine tends to last through the year.